Communicating worldwide

intelliText LanguageServices

With over 30 years of industry-specific experience, linguistic expertise, and the use of high-performance technological systems and state-of-the-art software, intelliText is your reliable language service provider for

  • Medical engineering
  • Healthcare
  • Pharmaceutics
  • Technology
  • IT
  • Sciences
  • Patents
  • Law
  • Business
  • Marketing

We offer not only translations and interpreting services, but deal with all issues related to language.

That includes

  • Technical documentation
  • Transcriptions
  • Desktop publishing
  • Website, software, and app localization
  • Video editing
  • Text creation
  • Proofreading and editing
  • Terminology management

Our team comprises a global network of translators, interpreters, terminologists, copywriters, graphic designers, technical editors, speakers and video designers who work professionally in all languages.

intelliText LanguageServices is a business unit of intelliExperts GmbH, Local Court Würzburg HRB 12937

Certified translations from €59.50 (incl. VAT)

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Offiziell beglaubigte
Übersetzungen ab
€ 59,50
Official certified
translations from
€ 59.50
ترجمة معتمدة رسمية من
€ 59.50
Офіційні засвідчені
переклади від
€ 59.50
فرم ترجمه
رسمی تأییدشده
€ 59.50
Şu dilden resmi
onaylı çeviri:
€ 59,50