Patent translations

We translate patents for registration with the German Patent and Trademark Office, the European Patent Office, globally with the WIPO, or simply for your own information in all desired languages. The translation of patents, utility models, etc. in all various classes, however, requires special experience in dealing with patent-specific terminology and the formatting of such documents.

Specialized fields:

  • Electrotechnology
  • Medicine and medical engineering
  • Pharmaceutics
  • Chemistry
  • Biotechnology
  • Software and IT
  • Physics
  • Mechanical engineering
  • Energy technology
  • Artificial intelligence (AI)


  • Public law
  • Private law
  • International law
  • European law

Lawyers, tax inspectors, and auditors who work internationally need a partner for foreign language assignments who is accurate, discreet, and reliable in their work.

Language skills, experience in the use of legal terminology in both the source and target language, discretion, and absolute adherence to timely delivery are accordingly also the criteria for the selection of a professional translator. A translation qualification is required as a matter of course as well as sound proven knowledge in the relevant areas of law. An integral part of our quality concept requires that our translators translate strictly into their native tongue.


  • Business
  • Trade
  • Finance

Thanks to globalization, companies today operate internationally. That’s why documents have to be available to all employees within a company and to the client base in their native tongue. Once you have flawless communication with your customers, shareholders, business partners, and sponsors, nothing can stand in the way of your business!

Areas of application:

  • Fiscal reports
  • Annual financial statements
  • Commercial registers
  • Business plans
  • Tenders
  • Employment contracts, purchase contracts
  • Financial documents
  • Export documents
  • Rental agreements

Have we peaked your interest?

Request a free non-binding quote for your specialist area here!

intelliText LanguageServices is a business unit of intelliExperts GmbH, Local Court Würzburg HRB 12937

Certified translations from €59.50 (incl. VAT)

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Offiziell beglaubigte
Übersetzungen ab
€ 59,50
Official certified
translations from
€ 59.50
ترجمة معتمدة رسمية من
€ 59.50
Офіційні засвідчені
переклади від
€ 59.50
فرم ترجمه
رسمی تأییدشده
€ 59.50
Şu dilden resmi
onaylı çeviri:
€ 59,50